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Remem­ber when water used to be free? Peo­ple would think that you would be crazy to sell some­thing that is offered free. Crazy is beyond it’s mean­ing, because look at us cur­rently buy­ing bot­tled water. Even though H2O does not taste dif­fer­ent, the bot­tle does on the eyes. There has been a huge amount of com­pa­nies that are sell­ing bot­tled water that con­tain water from glac­i­ers, moun­tains, springs, and sew­ers (just kid­ding.) At this point and time we are becom­ing more and more depen­dent on a vari­ety of drinks. Just look at your reg­u­lar
day and count how many dif­fer­ent kinds of bev­er­ages you con­sume. Most peo­ple start of with cof­fee, tea, or juice, then at lunch they grab a soda and a sand­wich, and for din­ner you might have a nice meal along with some wine, or another alco­holic bev­er­age. Through out the day you will also con­sume quite a few amount of water(which is a 100% health­ier choice than sug­ary drinks.)

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